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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Is it a disease?

Isn't it a bit weird how most of our youths, these days, intend to ignore the fact that the country is falling apart?

Talk to a young man in Egypt and you will find wonders; you would find out, from his talking, that he is bored, with no "real" goal unless he gets out of this beautiful country। Isn't it funny how people think that opportunities outside Egypt are much more and even better than the ones available over here? Well!! opportunities are always available everywhere, but no other country would guarantee any for a foreigner, unless he is brilliant in doing something which is needed by that country. WELL !! IF you are this brilliant, how can't you find yourself in your own country? and if you are not that brilliant, how do you expect to succeed somewhere else?

Did you know that 70% of the youth get high, in a way or another?

Did you know that more than 60% of those people are just doing it because they think that they have nothing to do?

Let's not talk about something else beside "being high" because it's going to get ugly.

It is just one more issue that we need to look into and try to do something about.

1 comment:

Romesa said...

I`m from Pakistan and believe me, I think every country, especially the Muslim ones, are facing the same problem. No sense anywhere!
Nice post.

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